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Jasper Yang, UW Biostatistics PhD student
Jasper Yang, UW Biostatistics PhD student
Excavating answers from massive health data sets
Spotlight on UW Biostatistics Student Research: In his first year as a biostatistics PhD student, Jasper Yang hoped to conduct meaningful research. After all, the chance to collaborate with University of Washington and other area researchers was one of the reasons he chose to attend UW.
Amy Willis
Amy Willis
Small genetic element provides big insights into individual and community health
A research team conducts an in-depth exploration of cryptic plasmid, pBI143, one of more than 68,000 plasmids found in the human gut and which 90 percent of people in the industrialized world possess, and find that pBI143 is much better at detecting human fecal contamination in water samples than the most current state-of-the-art markers, a crucial finding considering that human fecal pollution is a major global health problem.
Peter Gilbert
Peter Gilbert
SARS-CoV-2 vaccine efficacy in Latin American countries
Fred Hutch News,

In our post-COVID pandemic world, several lingering questions remain pertaining to the culprit, SARS-CoV-2. While we can’t answer the question of, will another SARS-CoV-2 pandemic happen again? We can ensure our offensive game is stronger by striving to answer questions like, how good are the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines? UW Professor of Biostatistics Peter Gilbert is one of two Fred Hutch researchers who led a team that investigated these questions and recently published their findings in Nature Communications.

Kung-Yee Liang and Patrick Heagerty at the 2024 Norman E. Breslow Endowed Lecture, Seattle Washington
Kung-Yee Liang and Patrick Heagerty at the 2024 Norman E. Breslow Endowed Lecture, Seattle Washington
Distinguished alumni Kung-Yee Liang visits UW
University of Washington Biostatistics graduate Kung-Yee Liang, Distinguished Chair Professor and Senior Advisor for Office of the President at Feng Chia University and former president of the National Health Research Institutes of Taiwan, was the featured speaker at this year’s Norman E. Breslow Distinguished Lecture.
Photo of Bruce Weir in garden
Photo of Bruce Weir in garden
O.J. Simpson: Kiwi expert witness Bruce Weir looks back on the famous trial
NZ Herald,

Bruce Weir, professor emeritus at the University of Washington, was a key part of the case against O.J. Simpson. He spoke to ZB reporter Joel Dwyer today about the historic event and why interest in it has been so enduring.