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Photo of University of Washington Rainier Vista at sunset
Photo of University of Washington Rainier Vista at sunset
2024 highlights for UW Biostatistics
Review highlights of University of Washington Department of Biostatistics member accomplishments during 2024.
Quinn White
Quinn White
Heart disease risk score retains predictive power without race/ethnicity
UW Biostatistics Doctoral Student Quinn White's research is part of a growing effort to assess the implications of including race and ethnicity in clinical risk prediction models. White is first author of a recent study which examined the use of race in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) algorithm used to calculate the 10-year risk of coronary heart disease. The score calculation not using race predicted heart disease as well as the original calculation that did.
Ting Ye
Ting Ye
UW Biostatistics researcher receives $1 million from PCORI to improve platform trials
A research team at the University of Washington (UW) has been approved for more than $1 million in research funding by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to develop statistical methods for analysis of platform trials.
Quinn White
Quinn White
MESA heart disease risk score worked well with or without race included
American Heart Association Newsroom,

“Our work is part of a growing effort to assess the implications of including race and ethnicity in clinical risk prediction models,” said lead investigator Quinn White, a biostatistics doctoral student at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Maggie Tarnawa
Maggie Tarnawa
UW Biostatistics staff member assumes student professional development role
University of Washington Biostatistics staff member Maggie Tarnawa recently expanded her responsibilities as curriculum coordinator to include creating professional development programming for UW Biostatistics students. Learn more about the additional programs and resources Tarnawa has in the works for the upcoming year.