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News & Events


Andrea Rotnitzky
Andrea Rotnitzky
Internationally recognized researcher joins biostatistics faculty
Andrea Rotnitzky, a well-known biostatistician, recently joined the University of Washington School of Public Health as a professor of biostatistics.
Andrea Rotnitzky
Andrea Rotnitzky
UW faculty share $1 million Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics
Andrea Rotnitzky one of five statisticians for inaugural award in 2022.
Optogenetics illustration
Optogenetics illustration
UW-led team receives $4.2M grant to develop AI-guided brain stimulation methods aimed at treating mental health disorders
UW Electrical & Computer Engineering,

Ali Shojaie will be a member of new multidisciplinary, multi-institutional team that recently received a five-year, $4.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop neural stimulation techniques guided by artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning methods.

Ross Prentice
Ross Prentice
Fred Hutch’s Dr. Ross Prentice retires
Fred Hutch News,

Only a handful of scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center have been around longer than the institution itself; longtime public health researcher Ross Prentice, PhD, who retired at the end of 2022, is one of them.

Photos of Lu Xia and Ali Shojaie
Photos of Lu Xia and Ali Shojaie
Metabolomic Signatures Associated With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Outcomes
National Library of Medicine,

UW Biostatistics postdoc Lu Xia is first author, and faculty member Ali Shojaie a co-author, of research that found distinct plasma metabolomic profiles are associated with right ventricular dilation, mortality, and measures of disease severity in pulmonary arterial hypertension.