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Headlines featuring UW Biostatistics people and research.
Lawn sign that says This Area Chemically Treated Keep Children and Pets Off Until Dry
Lawn sign that says This Area Chemically Treated Keep Children and Pets Off Until Dry
Glyphosate Exposure Increases Cancer Risk Up to 41%, Study Finds

Glyphosate Exposure Increases Cancer Risk Up to 41%, Study Finds

Map of Africa with countries shaded by time-space estimates of under-five mortality
Map of Africa with countries shaded by time-space estimates of under-five mortality
Changes in the spatial distribution of the under-five mortality rate: Small-area analysis of 122 DHS surveys in 262 subregions of 35 countries in Africa

A team of researchers that included UW Biostatistics Professor Jon Wakefield presented discrete time-space estimates of the under-five mortality rate in 262 regions in Africa.

Entrance to Denisovan cave
Entrance to Denisovan cave
Visitor Log Chronicled for the Denisovan Family Home

“You could say it was a Denisovan cave, and the Neanderthals just visited for a while,” says Sharon Browning, a biostatistician at the University of Washington, Seattle, who has worked on Denisovan remains but wasn’t involved with either new study. “Though the Neanderthal occupation appears to have extended for tens of thousands of years, so it was a long visit.”

Bone points and pierced teeth sampled for radiocarbon dating.
Bone points and pierced teeth sampled for radiocarbon dating.
Neanderthals and Denisovans Shared a Siberian Cave for Thousands of Years, New Research Suggests

UW Biostatistics Research Professor Sharon Browning is quoted in reference to two papers published today that present an updated timeline for the occupation of Denisova cave by Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Graph of cancer deaths per 100,000 people 1975 to 2015
Graph of cancer deaths per 100,000 people 1975 to 2015
US cancer death rate has declined for at least 25 years
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center News,

Fred Hutch researchers Ruth Etzioni, last year’s Prentice Professor and current affiliate professor of biostatistics and health services, and UW graduate Joseph Unger (MS Biostat ‘93, PhD Health Services ‘13) weigh in on a milestone report from the American Cancer Society.

Black and white graphic of DNA strand
Black and white graphic of DNA strand
Five Amazing Things We Learned About History From Ancient DNA In 2018

Biostatistics professor Sharon Browning’s study is listed as one of the findings that contributed to “a major theme of human evolutionary studies this year: an emphasis on understanding the biological consequences of genetic variants that we inherited from our Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestors.

Kelsey Grinde
Kelsey Grinde
Biostatistics student recognized for leadership, community service by Seattle's ARCS Foundation
UW School of Public Health,

Kelsey Grinde, a doctoral student in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health, is a recipient of the inaugural Dorothy L. Simpson Leadership Award, presented by the Seattle Chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation.

Washington Biostatistician to advise the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
ASPPH Connect,

Jonathan Wakefield, professor of biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health, was invited to be a member of the technical advisory group to the United Nations (UN) Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation.