Hans Rosling Center for Population Health
3980 15th Avenue NE
Box 351617
Seattle, WA 98195-1617
United States
I am a second year Biostatistics PhD student co-advised by Professors Daniela Witten and Jon Wakefield. We are developing statistical tools for correlated data, small sample, and survey statistics problems with applications in demography and global health. I am also working with Dr. Amy Willis to develop decontamination methods to study the lung microbiomes of Cystic Fibrosis patients using impure sputum samples.
Before entering the PhD program, I earned my MSc in Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. I also worked as a Research & Data Consultant for the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) team.
Outside of my work, I like to spend my time playing squash, reading books, and baking.