Biostatistics PhD student Yinxiang Wu has won a 2025 Distinguished Student Paper Award from the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics (SSGG) for his work, “A More Credible Approach to Multivariable Mendelian Randomization.”

“Multivariable Mendelian randomization (MVMR) is a method that leverages genetic variations to investigate how different risk factors causally influence health outcomes. Our work addresses a critical challenge in MVMR: accurately estimating the causal effects of multiple risk factors when faced with weak and noisy genetic signals,” said Wu.
The team developed a novel method that enhances the reliability of analyses and introduced a general theoretical framework for more credible analysis of MVMR estimators. This research will help scientists better understand the causes of diseases and inform strategies for prevention and treatment.
Wu has been invited to present his paper at ASA’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Nashville in August. Study co-authors include Ting Ye, assistant professor at the University of Washington School of Public Health, and Hyunseung Kang, an associate professor of statistics at University of Wisconsin-Madison.