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How much info do you get, how much to you give away with DNA health and ancestry tests?
KOMO News,
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Sarah Nelson, a researcher with the Department of Biostatistics and Genetic Analysis Center at the University of Washington is interviewed explaining how DNA and ancestry test services analyze and use your data.

in Research
Offspring of pregnant women exposed to high level of pollutants may have lower IQs
UW News,
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Biostat Associate Professor Adam Szpiro is co-author of a new study that found that pregnant women exposed to higher levels of air pollutants had children with lower IQs, compared to the children of women exposed to lower levels.

in Research
People using third-party apps to analyze personal genetic data
UW News,
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“It’s the proverbial ‘wild West’ of genetic interpretation,” said Sarah Nelson, a University of Washington research scientist in the Department of Biostatistics who recently completed her doctorate in the School of Public Health. Nelson is the lead author of a paper recently published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

in Research
Consumer genetic testing customers stretch their DNA data further with third-party interpretation websites
The Conversation,
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UW Biostatistics Research Scientist Sarah Nelson writes about her recent study that sought to better understand the perspectives, experiences and motivations of consumers accessing their raw genetic data and using third-party interpretation tools

in Research