News & Events


Faculty receive $15.6 million NHLBI award to expand MESA research, promote diversity
UW School of Public Health,
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The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) – a 20-year study of the characteristics, predictors and progression of subclinical cardiovascular disease and other risk markers – has been renewed for another five years with nearly $15.6 million in funding from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The study’s coordinating center is housed in the University of Washington School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics, at the Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center.

in Research
Are we doing diet and nutrition research wrong?
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Hutch News,
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A Q&A with public health researcher and UW Professor of Biostatistics Ross Prentice on how to assess and improve studies of diet and chronic disease.

in Research
A new Sparse Group Lasso method developed by UW Associate Professor of Biostatistics Noah Simon provides a more accurate assessment of human brain white matter connections.
in Research
Data from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Data Coordinating Center, led by Biostatistics faculty member Susanne May, was used in a recent study that found that individuals who experienced an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods were less likely to receive CPR from a bystander.
in Research
How to boost cancer clinical trial participation
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Hutch News,
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Joseph Unger (MS Biostat ’93, PhD Health Services ’13), a researcher and biostatistician at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, led a new study published in JAMA Oncology that explores loosening strict eligibility criteria for cancer clinical trials.

in Research
UW Biostatistics professor Brian Leroux was part of a recent study that examined treatment of individuals with opioid use disorder who also use methamphetamines.
in Research
Individuals on the Highly Cited Researchers list have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by their peers over the course of the last decade
in Research
People want long, healthy lives for themselves and their canine companions. Discovering ways to achieve this for both dogs and humans is the goal of the recently launched Dog Aging Project, a 10-year study exploring the health and lifespan of dogs.
in Research