Keynote speaker
Eric Horvitz, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer of Microsoft
Dr. Eric Horvitz serves as Microsoft’s Chief Scientific Officer. He spearheads company-wide initiatives, navigating opportunities and challenges at the confluence of scientific frontiers, technology, and society, including strategic efforts in AI, medicine, and the biosciences. He is known for his contributions to AI theory and practice, with a focus on principles and applications of AI amidst the complexities of the open world. His research endeavors have been direction-setting, including harnessing probability and utility in machine learning and reasoning, developing models of bounded rationality, constructing systems that perceive and act via interpreting multisensory streams of information, and pioneering principles and mechanisms for supporting human-AI collaboration and complementarity. His efforts and collaborations have led to fielded systems in healthcare, transportation, ecommerce, operating systems, and aerospace. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Anum Kazerouni, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, UW Quantitative Breast Imaging Lab
Anum Kazerouni’s primary research interests are in the development of statistical models using quantitative characterizations of intratumoral heterogeneity to predict treatment response and to guide personalized therapy. Currently, she is developing and validating models of whole-tumor states using in vivo quantitative imaging and ex vivo biological data in preclinical models of HER2+ breast cancer. Learn more

Diane M. Korngiebel, PhD
AI Ethicist, Google; UW Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Professor Korngiebel works at the intersection of bioethics, genomic medicine, and informatics. She is the PI on a grant whose aim is to identify and feasibility test a tool to support screening for heritable colorectal cancer (e.g., Lynch Syndrome) that can be deployed in low-resourced settings. She is also the PI on a grant that explores the ethical issues inherent in returning genetic test results to patients electronically using patient portals. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Mehmet Kurt, PhD
UW Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Adjunct Associate Professor of Radiology
Mehmet Kurt’s research focuses on biological and biomedical challenges, particularly in the areas of brain biomechanics, neuromechanics imaging, nonlinear systems, and smart biomedical devices. Examples of his research projects include investigating the nonlinear dynamics of the human brain during head impacts, studying aneurysm stability through aneurysm wall motion imaging, and measuring brain tissue stiffness in vivo through ultra-high resolution MR Elastography in Alzheimer’s Disease. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Christoph Lee, MD, MS, MBA
UW Professor of Radiology; Director, UW Northwest Screening and Cancer Outcomes Research Enterprise (NW-SCORE)
Dr. Christoph Lee’s multidisciplinary research program focuses on the evaluation of emerging cancer screening technologies, with grant-funded efforts spanning the fields of artificial intelligence, cancer epidemiology, health disparities, and population health. He is currently Principal Investigator of multiple R01 grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute). Learn more

Jeff Leek, PhD
Vice President and Chief Data Officer, Fred Hutch
Jeff Leek is vice president and chief data officer of Fred Hutch. In these roles, he leads efforts to shape and implement Fred Hutch's integrated data science enterprise, and fosters partnerships within the Seattle area's data science and technology ecosystem. His goal is for Hutch researchers to be able to access field-leading computational resources to advance their science. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Shachi Mittal, PhD
Assistant Professor, UW Chemical Engineering; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, School of Medicine
Professor Mittal has acquired training and expertise in spectral imaging, cancer biology, pathology, and artificial intelligence. She is passionate about interfacing engineering technologies with clinical science to develop systems useful for patient care particularly for technology driven cancer management. Learn more: Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Matthew Nyflot, PhD
Medical Physicist; Associate Professor, UW Radiation Oncology; Adjunct, UW Department of Radiology
Matthew J. Nyflot’s current research interests include the application of data science for precision cancer therapy, and safety and quality in radiation therapy. He received a PhD in medical physics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison is certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology in therapeutic medical physics. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Savannah Partridge, PhD
Professor of Radiology, Breast Imaging, Research
Professor Partridge has over 15 years of experience in development of acquisition sequences and analysis software tools for clinical and translational magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. A large focus of her work has been to investigate dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI for improved detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. She currently serves as chair and co-chair on two NCI-funded multi-center clinical trials evaluating the utility of diffusion-weighted MRI of the breast (ACRIN 6702 and 6698). Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Swati Rane Levendovszky, PhD
UW Associate Professor of Radiology; Member, Integrated Brain Imaging Center (IBIC); Interim Director, Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center (DISC).
The primary focus of Professor Swati Rane Levendovszky’s research group (Cerebrovascular Imaging & Analytics) at IBIC is the development of clinically feasible, targeted imaging, and end-to-end analyses pipeline for functional and anatomical imaging to improve the diagnostic capabilities of MRI. Specifically, the group develops novel perfusion imaging approaches to better understand cerebrovascular pathology on the Philips and Siemens MRI platforms. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Kari Stephens, PhD
Professor, Vice Chair of Research, Helen D. Cohen Endowed Professor, UW Department of Family Medicine; Adjunct Professor, Biomedical Informatics & Medical Education
Professor Stephens’s clinical interests include trauma, chronic pain, posttraumatic stress, depression, anxiety, addiction and working with disadvantaged populations. Her research interests include disparities in mental health and services, posttraumatic stress, dissemination of evidenced-based behavioral treatments to integrated care settings, and clinical health informatics with a focus on data sharing to promote translational research with communities. Learn more

Yulia Tsvetkov, PhD
UW Associate Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Yulia Tsvetkov is an associate professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. She is also an adjunct professor at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Tsvetkov works on natural language processing, with a particular interest in hybrid solutions at the intersection of machine learning and theoretical or social linguistics, i.e., solutions that combine interesting learning/modeling methods and insights about human languages or about people speaking these languages. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Lucy Wang, PhD
Assistant Professor, UW Information School; Adjunct Assistant Professor, UW Human Centered Design & Engineering, UW Biomedical Informatics & Medical Education, and UW Computer Science & Engineering
Professor Wang’s research focuses on how to build better AI and NLP systems for extracting and understanding information from scientific texts. Her work on supplement interaction detection, gender trends in academic publishing, COVID-19 datasets, and document understanding has been featured in Geekwire, Boing Boing, Axios, VentureBeat, and the New York Times. Learn more

Andrew White, MD, SFHN, FACP
Assistant Chief Medical Information Officer, University of Washington
Dr. White is an experienced academic hospitalist and physician leader with board certification in informatics. A teacher and practitioner of quality improvement and an accomplished researcher on patient safety and communication after medical harm. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Mark Wurfel, M.D., PhD
Board Certified Physician, Chest Clinic, Harborview; UW David J. Pierson, M.D., Endowed Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; Professor, UW Medicine and Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Dr. Wurfel is board certified in both Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine. His research interests focus on patient factors leading to increased risk for organ failure during critical illness. He studies genetic factors that alter patients' risk of lung and kidney failure in intensive care. Learn more

IMDS Pilot Award
Meliha Yetisgen
Professor, UW Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education; Adjunct Professor Department of Linguistics
Professor Yetisgen’s research interests are statistical natural language processing, bio-medical text mining, and information retrieval. Detailed information about her current research projects and opensource software is available at the Yetisgen's lab| Learn more